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3rd Annual Gambier Medicine Making Retreat

If you are curious about herbal medicine, passionate about learning ways of incorporating herbal medicine into your daily lifestyle and thirst for some tranquil time in peace filled nature; consider joining myself, Katolen Yardley, MNIMH ~ Medical Herbalist and Sharon Brown Horton for a fun, inspirational, information packed weekend – at our second annual Gambier Island Herbal Medicine Making retreat.

  • Partake in a 1 day Medicine Making weekend (with the option of staying overnight and camping on an off the grid property for the second day).
  • Learn what it means to be on an off-grid-property and understand the details of island life.
  •  Meet local medicinal plants through a herb walk in
    majestic rainforest and meadow land.
  • Take a water taxi to a stunning quiet Island to learn about herbal medicine making.
  • Enjoy the local animals on property and the gorgeous view overlooking Howe Sound. Perhaps we will encounter some ocean life and sea lions on route!
  • Collect medicinal and garden edibles for salad and enjoy a delicious lemon balm desert, sip on herbal tea throughout the day.
  • Prepare herbal medicine recipes and learn how to incorporate various local plants herbs as foods and medicine.

Join Katolen Yardley, Medical Herbalist & host Sharon Brown Horton for this informative workshop!

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Details for this 1 Day Intensive Herbal Medicine Making Workshop
Price Includes: 1 days of teaching from 10 am until after 5 pm.

Overnight Saturday camping (limited tents provided).
Additional information shared at time of registration.

sharon gambier

Herb Walk and Ocean Time
Day 1: to be determined shortly
Day 2:
An introduction to Herb identification, Plant family recognition and Wildcrafting considerations will also be covered.
Cost includes instruction booklet containing all recipes
There will be an option to purchase Katolen’s recent book The Good Living Guide to Natural and Herbal Remedies for $ 25.

Reserve the Date: Saturday June 24 & optional Sunday July 25, 2019 Rain or shine!

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Prepayment required. Space is very limited reserve now.
1 Day Medicine Making, Supplies and Handouts: $ 270 + GST
Food & Accommodation: $ 85
Plus $ 45 Water Taxi to island
Total: $ 413.50
Contact: 604-683-2298
Email: info@ for more information