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Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Botanical / Latin Name: Lavendula angustifolia

Application: A steam distilled essential oil extracted from the flowering tops of the plant; Lavender is the most all-purpose essential oil, used to ‘calm and balance’ the emotions for symptoms of stress, anxiety and energy enhancement.

A decongestant and antiseptic oil useful for the winter months,with anti-inflammatory properties useful for headaches, earaches, toothaches.

THE indispensable first aid remedy for a first aid kit at home. Lavender essential oil offers relief from burns and scalds, enhances wound healing and helps to prevent scarring.

This is one of the few essential oils that is safe to apply topically to the skin without first diluting with a carrier oil.

For kitchen burns, apply Lavender essential oil directly to the area, frequently throughout the day to help prevent blistering, relieve inflammation and reduce the risk of infection.

Lavender Essential Oil helps to balance conditions of nervous system depletion, exhaustion and fatigue, while also, at the same time helps to calm down anxiousness, hyperactivity and irritability. Traditionally the essential oil was used for conditions of hysteria, shock, tension and migraines.

Insect repellent properties. Apply to the skin, use around the home or on a sundeck for its known insect repellent properties…Try dabbing directly onto an insect bite to relieve the itching. (Note: most essential oils should be diluted prior to direct use on the skin.  If tolerated, Lavender essential oil is one exception- although keep away from mucous membranes and children).

Fragrance: the classic Lavender scent, deeply floral used to warm the emotions and open the heart.

Caution: Avoid during pregnancy, especially the first trimester.

To purchase essential oils visit Alchemy & Elixir Health Group.

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