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English to Latin Names

Although herbs are recognised by their common names, it is essential to know the botanical or latin name of an herb for accurate plant identification. It is possible for the same common plant name to be used for two entirely different plants (as is the case for Knitbone, a common name used for both Eupatorium perfoliatum and Symphytum officinalis).

The Latin name of the plant provides an international language for plant identification and remains consistent throughout the world and despite different languages; thus knowing the Latin name of the plant provides the ability to accurately communicate about a particular plant and easily research herbal medicine by the Latin name regardless of what country one is in.

Often herbal references are presented as two lists, one to translate from Latin into English and another to translate from English into Latin, see below for the English to Latin Names and view the next page for the Latin to English Names of many common plant medicines.

English Name

Latin Name

Agrimony herb


Agrimonia eupatoria

Alfalfa, Lucerne herb


Medicago sativa

American cranesbill root » Geranium maculatum

Angelica root


Angelica archangelica

Ashwaganda root


Withania somnifera

Astragalus root » Astragalus membranaceous

Avens herb


Geum urbanum

Balm of gilead buds » Populus candicans
Barbary wolfberry fruit » Lycium barbarum

Barberry bark


Berberis vulgaris

Bearberry leaf


Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Bethroot rhizome


Trillium erectum



Vaccinium myrtillis fructus

Bilberry leaf


Vaccinium myrtillis fol

Black cohosh root


Cimicifuga racemosa

Black horehound herb


Ballota nigra

Black psyllium husks, seed


Psyllium (Plantago psyllium)

Black walnut hulls


Juglans nigra

Blackhaw bark


Viburnum prunifolium



Fucus vesiculosus

Blue cohosh root


Caulophyllum thalictroides

Blue flag root


Iris versiuolor

Bogbean leaf


Menyanthes trifoliata

Boldo herb » Peumus boldo
Boneset herb » Eupatorium perfoliatum

Borage flowering herb


Borago officinalis

Broom flowering tops


Sarothamnus scoparius

Bryony herb


Bryonia diocia

Buchu leaf


Barosma betulina

Buckwheat herb


Fagopyron esculentum

Bugleweed, Gipsywort herb


Lycopus europaeus

Burdock root


Arctium lappa

Butcher’s broom root » Ruscus aculeatus

Californian poppy


Eschscholtzia californica

Cardamon seed » Amomun sublatum
Cascara bark » Rhamnus purshiana
Catnip, catmint herb » Nepeta cataria
Cat’s claw fruit » Uncaria tomentosa

Cayenne fruits


Capsicum minimum

Celery seed


Apium graveolens

Centaury, Feverwort herb


Centarium erythraea

Chaga fungus » Inonutus obliquus
Chamomile flowers » Chamomilla recutita



Vitex agnus – castus

Chickweed herb


Stellaria media

Chinese (red) sage root


Salvia miltiorrhiza radix

Chinese angelica root, Dong gui


Angelica sinesis

Chinese ginseng root


Panax ginseng

Cinnamon bark squills


Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Cleavers herb


Gallium aparine

Codonopsis root » Codonopsis pilosula

Coltsfoot leaf


Tussilago farfara

Comfrey leaf


Symphytum officinale folia

Comfrey root


Symphytum officinale radix

English Name

Latin Name

Coneflower root


Echinacea angustifolia

Coriander seed » Coriandrum sativum



Zea mays

Couchgrass rhizome » Agropyron repens

Cowslip flowering herb


Primula veris



Viburnum opulus

Damiana leaf


Turnera diffusa

Dandelion leaf


Taraxacum officinalis folia

Dandelion root


Taraxacum officinalis radix

Devil’s Claw Root


Harpagophytum procumbens



Sambucus nigra fructus



Sambucus nigra flos

Elecampane root


Inula helenium

English rose petals


Rosa gallica flos

Ephedra stems


Ephedra sinica

Eyebright herb


Euphrasia officinalis

False unicorn root


Chamaelirium luteum

Fennel seeds tops


Foeniculum vulgare

Fenugreek seed


Trigonella foenum-graecum

Feverfew flowering herb


Tanacetum parthenium

Figwort herb


Scrophularia nodosa

Fumitory herb


Fumaria officinalis

Garlic cloves


Allium sativa

Gentian root


Gentiana lutea

German chamomile flowers


Chamomilla recutita flos

Ginger root


Zingiber officinalis

Globe artichoke leaves


Cynara scolymus

Goat’s rue herb


Galega officinalis

Golden rod flowering herb


Solidago canadenis

Golden rod flowering herb


Solidago virgaurea

Goldenseal root


Hydrastis canadensis

Gotu kola herb


Hydrocotyle asiatica



Eupatorium purpureum

Greater celandine herb


Chelidonium majus

Green walnut hulls


Juglans regia

Ground ivy, herb, Nepeta


Glechoma hederacea

Gumplant herb


Grindelia caporum (robusta)

Hawthorn berry


Crataegus oxyacantha fructus

Hawthorn flowering tops


Crataegus oxyacantha flos

Heartsease flowering herb


Viola tricolor

Hemp agrimony


Eupatorium canabinum

He shou wu root » Polygonum multiflorum
Hibiscus flower » Hibiscus salbdariffa

Hops strobiles


Humulus lupulus

Horse chestnut


Aesculus hippocastanum

Horseradish root


Armoracia rusticana

Horsetail herb


Equisetum arvense

Hyssop flowering herb


Hyssopus officinalis

Iceland moss lichen


Cetraria islandica

Irish moss seaweed


Chondrus crispus

Jamaican dogwood bark


Piscidia erythrina

Juniper berries » Juniperus communis

Kola nuts


Cola nitida

Ladies mantle herb


Alchemilla vulgaris

Lavender herb


Lavandula angustifolia

Lemon balm herb


Melissa officinalis

Licorice root » Glycyrrhiza glabra

Lignum vitae wood


Guaiacum officinale

Lilly of the valley leaf


Convallaria majalis

Linden, Lime flowers


Tilia europea



Linum usitatissium

Liquorice root


Glycyrrhiza glabra

Lobelia herb


Lobelia inflata

Long pepper seeds


Piper longum

Maca root » Lepidium meyenii

Maidenhair tree leaf


Ginkgo bilboba

Marigold flowers


Calendula officinalis flos

Marsh mallow flowering herb


Althaea officinalis herba

Marsh mallow root


Althaea officinalis radix

Meadowsweet flowering herb


Filipendula ulmaira

Melilot herb


Melilotus officinalis

Milkthistle seed, silybum


Carduus marianus

Milkvetch root, Huang Qi


Astragalus membranaceous

Mistletoe flowering herb


Viscum album

Motherwort flowering herb


Leonurus cardiaca

Mugwort leaf


Artesmisia vulgaris

Mullein her flowers


Verbascum thapsus flos

Mullein whole flowering herb


Verbascum thapsus herba

Myrrh resin


Commiphora mol mol

Nettle herb


Urtica dioica herba

Nettle root


Urtica dioica radix

Oak bark


Quercus robusta

Oat seeds


Avena sativa sem

Olive leaf


Olea europea

Oregon grape root, Mahonia


Berberis aquilfolium

Osha root » Ligusticum porteri
Papaya leaf » Carica papaya

Parsley piert herb


Alchemilla arvensis

Parsley root


Petroselinum crispum rad

Pasque flower herb


Anenome pulsatilla

Passion flower herb


Passiflora incarnata

Pau d’arco bark


Tabebuia impetiginosa

Pellitory of the Wall herb


Parietaria diffusa

Peony root


Paeonia lactiflora

Peppermint leaf


Mentha piperata

Periwinkle herb


Vinca minor

Plantain leaf » Plantago lanceolata

Poke root


Phytolacca decandra

Prickly ash bark


Zanthoxylum species cortex

Prickly ash berry


Zanthoxylum species fructus

Puncture vine fruit » Tribulus terrestris

Purple coneflower root


Echinacea purpurea rad

Purple coneflower whole plant


Echinacea purpurea

Quassia bark


Picrasma excelsa

Raspberry leaf


Rubus idaeus

Red Clover flowers


Trifolium praetense

Red root » Ceanthus americanus
Red rose petals » Rosa centifolia

Rehmania root


Rehmania glutinosa

Reishi mushroom » Ganoderma lucidum
Rhodiola root » Rhodiola rosea

Ribwort leaf plantain


Plantago lanceolata

Rosemay leaf


Rosmarinus officinalis

Rue leaf » Ruta graveolens

Sage flowering herb


Salvia officinalis

Sarsparilla root


Smilax ornata

Sassafras bark » Sassafras albidum

Saw palmetto berries


Serenoa seruiata

Schisandra berries, Wu wei zi


Schisandra chinesis

Self-heal herb » Prunella vulgaris

Senna pod


Cassia angustifolia

Shepherd’s purse herb


Capsella bursa-pastoris

Siberian ginseng root


Eleutherococcus senticosus

Silver birch leaves


Betula pendula

Skullcap herb


Scutellaria lateriflora

Slippery elm bark


Ulmus fulva

Spearmint herb » Mentha viridis

Squaw vine herb


Mitchella repens

Stevia leaf » Stevia rebaudiana

St John’s wort flowering herb


Hypericum perforatum

Sweet Annie, Qing hao


Artemisia annua

Sweet flag root


Acorus calamus

Sweet violet leaves


Viola odorata

Tansy flowering herb


Tanacetum vulgaris

Thorn apple leaf BHPP 83


Datura stramonium (500ml)

Thorowax root


Bupleurum chinense

Thyme herb


Thymus vulgaris

Tormentil root


Potentilla erecta

Tree of life buds


Thuja occidentalis

Triticum, Couch stolon, Twitch


Agropyron repens

Turkey rhubarb root


Rheum palmatum

Turmeric root


Curcuma longa

Uva ursi leaf » Arctostaphylos uva ursi

Valerian root


Valeriana officinalis

Vervain flowering herb


Verbena Officinalis

White dead nettle flowering herb


Lamium album

White horehound leaf


Marrubium vulgare

White oak bark » Quercus alba
White popular bark » Populus tremuloides

White willow bark


Salix alba

Whole green oats, herb & seed


Avena sativa herba

Wild carrot flowering herb


Daucus carota

Wild Cherry bark


Prunus serotina

Wild dogrose hips


Rosa canina fructus

Wild indigo root


Baptisia tinctoria

Wild lettuce herb


Lactuca virosa

Wild yam root


Dioscorea villosa

Witch hazel bark


Hamamelis virginiana cortex

Wood betony herb


Stachys betonica

Wormwood herb


Artemisia absinthium

Yarrow leaf, flower


Achillea millefolium

Yellow dock root


Rumex crispus

Yellow jasmine root


Gelsemium sempervirens