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What’s the word on L’Glutamine?

Whats the word on L’ Glutamine?

~written by Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist

L’ glutamine is the most widely used amino acid within our bodies, found with in both the bloodstream and in muscle tissue. When the body is under extended stress, levels of glutamine can become depleted, resulting in needed supplementation from external sources.

Glutamine is used to produce protein, used for energy and as fuel for the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract and for most cells in the body.

In the digestive tract glutamine is used to promote the healing of damaged cells by stimulating regeneration and growth for new healthy cell turnover, to minimise the effects of food sensitivities and allergies and to protect and help heal a leaky gut. Quality of glutamine is important. The best sources of glutamine are from fermented beets. Lower quality glutamine products are sourced from crab shells and by-products of glucosamine.

L’glutamine can offer the best health enhancement with taken during times of increased intestinal permeability (antibiotic use, leaky gut syndrome and times of extended stress). L’ glutamine can assist with enhancing energy levels, and an improved sense of wellbeing,

Dosage varies depending upon the reason used, although 500 mg taken 3-4 times daily is often a standard, recommended dosage. This supplement can be taken during the day or at night to support further healing during the sleep cycle.

For athletes, glutamine can help enhance recovery after a workout, healing due to overtraining. L’ glutamine helps to enhance immune system function, used as a fuel for white blood cell function, and studies show that glutamine helps to enhance the lymphocytes cells which fight illness.

For individuals working with balancing the bodies PH, glutamine acts as a buffer for acidic conditions and plays a role in the maintenance of a healthy acid/ alkaline balance.

To purchase L’ Glutamine, visit Alchemy & Elixir Health Group. 


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