Why Bioflavonoids?
~ written by Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist
During winter months it is common for people to begin using their Vitamin C supplement for both cold and flu prevention and to enhance immune system function.
Unbeknownst to many, bioflavonoids taken together with Vitamin C actually enhance the absorption of the…
With the New Year right around the corner- jump start your health goals by incorporating new lifestyle tips and routines into your new year!!
Health Risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
GMO Health Risks: Dr Thierry Vrain
“Dr. Thierry Vrain, formerly Head of Biotechnology at Agriculture Canada’s Summerland Research Station, was once a supporter of GMO. He has in the last 10 years changed his position after paying attention to the flow of published…
How To Choose A Quality Multi Vitamin
When starting a health program, most people feel inclined to begin with a multivitamin. While a multi vitamin does not contain a high enough dosage of any one nutrient to be considered ‘treatment’ for any specific health concern; a multi vitamin is still…
Red Raspberry Leaf Herbal Tea Written by Katolen Yardley, MNIMH ~ Medical Herbalist The medicinal use of red raspberry dates back to the early 1500’s as raspberry leaf tea became popular throughout Europe, China, and North and South America. The Latin name is Rubus ideaus, also known as wild or garden raspberry; it…
9 Nutrition Tips For Menopause ~ written by Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist Optimal nutrition and herbal medicine can play a role in minimizing adverse menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats, play a role in prevention of heart disease and osteoporosis, lessen vaginal dryness and support the nervous…
Healthy Tips to Satisfy a Sweet Tooth ~ written by Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist Snack on protein throughout the day. High protein foods can increase the sensation of “feeling full and helps to curb those sugar cravings. Chew foods well before swallowing to bring out the natural sweetness of…