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Cold & Flu Prevention

Cold & Flu Prevention

~ written by Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist

Fall is the time when children head back to school and it is also the time to enhance and support the immune system to effectively ward off colds and viruses during the winter months.

Sometimes the simplest suggestions are the most effective prevention. To enhance the immune system and protect against viral infections:

  • Wash hands frequently
  • Epsom salts added to a hot bath is a useful way to raise the body temperature and jump start the immune system, (as an elevated body temperature is the immune systems first line of defense against viruses and bacteria).
  • Vitamin C and Beta Carotene are ‘tried and true’ agents to support immune system function and enhance the white blood cell activity against infection.
  • Herbs: AstragalusYarrowElderflowers, Boneset.
  • Essential oils, (such as Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Lemon, Rosemary) added to the bath, as a steam, inhaled through a tissue or diluted in water and poured into a spritzer bottle can disinfect both the air and counter surfaces.
  • Breath Essential Oil as a steam is my top recommendation for clearing congested sinuses.
  • Winter Warming Tea Blend and Clear Breath Tea Blend provide additional support for the lungs and immune system.
  • Phytogen an potent immune enhancing herbal blend in capsule form.

Remember, antibiotics do not effectively eradicate viruses and are rarely prescribed for any symptoms of a viral related cold in all countries outside of North America. The common cold can be caused by over 200 viruses, thus the flu shot is a hit and miss attempt to inoculate against 3-4 of those many viruses. Simply the best way to rid the body of viruses of all kinds is to strengthen the immune system directly. Lifestyle suggestions can help rid the home of circulating bacteria and viruses…

  • Clean your computer keyboard and phone mouthpiece with essential oils and water.
  • A computer keyboard has been noted to contain more germs than a toilet seat.
  • Change your toothbrush monthly, also known to harbor bacteria.
  • Avoid ingesting sugar, which will decrease immune system function for hours after ingesting.
  • Avoid consuming dairy, which is very mucous forming, and will worsen symptoms of congestion.
  • Wash the kitchen dishcloth frequently…

For more information on the use of essential oils

For health programs (and custom blended plant medicine) tailored to your specific health concerns, consider booking a clinic appointment.


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